How can video help a Business to Thrive?


Showing up at the top of organic search results is key to directing customers to your products


Video is an easy way to build social communities because it allows us to show people what we are doing almost instantaneously. 


Knowing what peaks your customer’s interest is a great way to make sure your message is getting communicated effectively.  Targeted video creates engagement.


Being recognised for the work you’re doing spurs activity around your brand. 


Video on a web site gives you a 53 times better chance of being found by search engines.


People remember, 10% of what we read; 20% of what we hear; 30% of what we see, 50% of what we see and hear; 70%-90% of what we see, hear and experience – video is an all-round experience.  Do it right and you are on the way to success, but do it wrong and you will lose credibility very fast so do talk to a professional and experience producer to help you on your way.





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