Tips to consider before appearing on video for your company
1. Be Energetic
The harshest critic you may ever encounter, other than yourself, may be a video camera.
Tony Robbins' videos, for instance, receive millions of views each month. Even though he was a well-known leader and speaker before starting his YouTube account, he made the most of his fame by posting upbeat, motivational videos.
He firmly believes that emotion is created by motion. That's evident when he storms onto the stage and energises the assembly. If he didn't capture the audience’s attention, it wouldn't work. He has a lot of enthusiasm and is skilled at piquing the interest of the audience. When you appear on camera you need to be feeling positive and enthused about your story.
2. Remember to smile
According to 72% of respondents on a recent survey, smilers are successful and safe. There is no better method to gain the trust of your audience than to project confidence in your company and offerings. However, the smile needs to be natural so practice smiling and talking to yourself in front of a mirror so that your facial muscles learn how it feels.
Sunny Leonarduzzi demonstrates the unsettling nature of not smiling. She refers to it as the smile and blink, or S&B. She gives a great example of what not to do when filming. She addresses a lot of the difficulties that individuals run into when they make their first video.
3. Look directly into the camera
Customers frequently approach us to create video content that supports their speaking activities at events. However, speaking in front of an audience in person is a different challenge to speaking on video. First off, it's impossible to predict the viewer's feelings because the camera doesn't respond to you and there is no feedback in the room. Secondly, your range of motion is more constrained and rather more personal with the facial expressions, and in particular the eyes, being the key focus points.
The camera lens scope restricts your field of vision, unlike on a stage, so you can make sure you get the audience's attention by moving around and across the platform. On video you have a small space to work with and need to keep the movement close in.
It's important to look straight at the camera lens. Remember with video, your audience is directly in front of you and down the camera lens. Resist the temptation to shift your eyeline outside of the lens as it will make you look unsure and uncomfortable.
4. Grab the audience attention early
We're going to say it again: you have eight seconds, that's 24 words during which time your viewers will mostly have decided if they are going to watch your piece or not. So, you now have to have a clear message, one that can be quickly and effectively communicated. It's sometimes worthwhile giving a very brief overview of what is to come in the video so that people know if it will be of value to them to keep watching.
In the opening scene of the video below, Marcus Sheridan demonstrates all the unsettling things that a lot of business people do in their internet films which detract from the impression they provide to their viewers.
How To Get Comfortable on Camera and Use Your Body Language - YouTube
5. Make sure you dress for success
People immediately form quick opinions about you on video and they will assess you based on your posture, your smile—or lack thereof—and other nonverbal indications. Also, what you wear influences how your audience perceives you.
Even while you can't win over everyone, you can dress in a way that speaks to your target market and is appropriate for your business.
Are you looking for a Business professional look? Then a light button-up shirt with a pressed suit and appropriate length skirt with closed-in clean shoes. Natural looking makeup for ladies (even gents may need to invest in a little anti-shine powder) and avoid bulky jewellery, or fabrics with fine checks or lines.
For business casual, then a nice top - but avoid - plunging necklines and sleeveless tops. Again avoid bulky jewellery, and busy patterns with fine checks or lines. Plain pastel colours work best in most cases.
Final Thoughts
If you can't put all of the advice to use right away, start with the one or two that will help your videos work more effectively. You can concentrate on other aspects of your videos once you have addressed their weakest point. Your audience will want to watch more of your films and find out more about your services if you appear professional and credible.
If you'd like some assistance getting ready to appear on video for your business, give us a call, we'll be happy to help.