Using Video for On Line Sales & Marketing
Make your marketing efforts go further.
Small Businesses can spend a lot of time and effort trying to get themselves ranked well on Google, and found above their competitors. This can include a myriad of resources from Google Pay Per Click, to email blasts, to social media platforms, webinars to name just a few of the areas that marketing professionals need to understand these days to get a positive marketing strategy that delivers results. Businesses need to be found on line, so how can you make this happen more easily?
Get found on Line
A great way of increasing your chances of getting found on line is to make use of the world’s second largest search engine, YouTube – which just happens to also be owned by the biggest search engine in the world, Google; so a bit of a double whammy. Using YouTube to host your business videos means a large portion of your potential buying audience is also on the same platform, searching for information, education and entertainment. The biggest marketing opportunity for small businesses is to hook into the ‘How too….’ video market which takes advantage of the viewer’s need to find out information; educational videos, particularly ‘how too…’ videos are search regularly and typically the searches go up by 70% year on year.
Add Video to Your Website
By adding video to your website you increase your chances of getting found and ranking on a first page Google result by over 50 percent. There are few better returns on investment! And of course video is a rich media so it allows you to describe your product or service in greater depth yet in a shorter timescale, which means your audience is more likely to be engaged in a positive way. On average a viewer’s understanding of a product or service is increased by 74% when they watch a video instead of read text.
Fish where the Fishes Are
Your potential clients want to see things on line in a rich media format, and they have a preference for video so you will benefit from offering them what they want in the way they want it. Viewers like video because it is a fast way of getting information, but it also allows viewers to get a feel for a business – it’s not just the product or the service, but the people behind the product or service, as well as the company ethos; given a choice 4 times as manor consumers would prefer to watch a short video than read about it so video is definitely your audience’s preferred method of communication.
Power Up your Email Campaigns
For email campaigns, adding the word ‘video’ into the subject line of your emails can increase open rates by 7-13%; add a video click through screen as an image in your email which links to the video hosted on YouTube will also increase click-through rates by 2 times.
Insight and Engagement
Make friends with your audience by sharing an insight into you and the business you represent; talk about the areas of corporate social responsibility that you are involved in and make links to local organisations whose values and aims you are aligned with – like attracts like so the more often you are seen in those circles the better. Let your viewers see and hear what you are doing and what you care about; by inference those same values will brush onto your business and products by careful use of good video content.