Video may look easy these days, especially with the host of prosumer cameras and access to editing software on line, but remember the old saying about ‘A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing…..’ Just because it ‘looks’ straight forward don’t get lulled into a false sense of ease and think, ‘Oh we could just do it ourselves, it will be fun…and we can save loads of money.’ If you can’t do video well, professionally and at high quality, which includes all the elements of sound, vision, colour temperatures, look, style, feel and messaging, then you run the risk of coming across as unprofessional in your own business. It’s a subtle thing, but with so many factors in play such as location, lighting, sound, script, delivery to camera, equipment nuances, editing – a host of variables here that are forever growing – well, the list is endless….it’s far too easy to do a mediocre job and ruin what could be a powerful marketing tool. So invest in an experienced local video production company who can give you a top quality product both within your budget and targeted to your audience.
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