• Facebook Live - 8 Tips for Video Content

    Facebook Live - 8 Tips for Video Content
    Live broadcasting platforms are becoming increasingly popular as a vehicle for marketing brands. But you need to choose your platform carefully as not all content works well on all platforms. Here are some content ideas to consider adding to your video marketing strategy in 2017 that will illustrate how to use your brand effectively and also show tasks that relate to your industry as a whole. People put a lot of trust in videos on line so it ought to be a consideration in marketing budgets going forward.

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  • What to wear on camera

    What to wear on camera
    Making your first appearance on camera to promote your business, or maybe given a testimonial for a supplier? Then here are a few tips as what to wear, or not to wear, that will help put you in the Director’s good books and make you look your best.

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  • Guide to Filming in High Wycombe

    Guide to Filming in High Wycombe
    If you’re considering filming in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, you’ll needs to know a few things to help make the experience as stress free as possible; just a few pointers here from an experienced video production company on who to contact so as to prepare the way for a smooth programme of events.

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  • YouTube for Business Video

    YouTube for Business Video
    The YouTube sensation is one that has dominated the video platform for the last 10 years and continues to do so, despite the best efforts of its rivals. So how did YouTube reach such meteoric status and why does it continue to dominate?

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  • Tips on Video Marketing - Part 1

    Tips on Video Marketing - Part 1
    If you still need convincing, here are just a couple of persuasive statistics that illustrate how video can be a powerful tool in marketing your product:

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